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The Sixth Annual Walking Fish Festival takes place May 28th - June 1st, 2008 at the Waterfront Theatre on Granville Island. Check out the Walking Fish blog at http://walkingfishfestival.wordpress.com/
The Festival
The Walking Fish is an emerging artists festival bringing together playwrights,
performers, and directors to create original theatre. Upintheair created Walking Fish
to provide opportunities for these artists to work together in an accessible, affordable
production process and introduce their art to the wider community. The festival is
presented in late May/Early June. Upintheair produces nine to twelve short one-act
plays written, directed, and performed by artists covering the full spectrum of
emerging talent. In past years theatre artists from a diverse array of backgrounds
have participated; including students from Simon Fraser University, University of
British Columbia, University of Victoria, University of Toronto, University of Alberta,
Univeristy of Western Ontario, Douglas College, Studio 58, Grant MacEwan College,
William Davis Centre and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and from
Vancouver organizations including Playwrights Theatre Centre, Radix Theatre, Shifting
Point Theatre, Genus Theatre, Ah Um Productions, ETC Theatre, Mad Duck Equity
Co-op, Cor Departure, The Burr Theatre, and Zealous Minds.
Walking Fish Festival (Çà»çÀå ¾È³»)
Upintheair Theatre
1755 East 22nd Ave
Vancouver, B.C. V5N 2P6