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    2008년 5월 8일 Spelling Bee test 시행!!!
NAME 김숙이 DATE 2008-05-06 HIT 2318 추천 0













































2008년 스펠링 비(Spelling Bee Test) 테스트


'스펠링 비'어원의 시작은 미국으로 한국에서도 이제는 제법 알려진 테스트이다.


이날은 캐나다에서 장기 유학을 하고 있는 모든 학생들이 참가하여 이제까지 갈고


 닦은 영어 단어 실력을 과시하는 날입니다, 부모님의 많은 성원 격려부탁드립니다.


The word bee, as used in spelling bee, is a language puzzle that has never been

satisfactorily accounted for. A fairly old and widely-used word, it refers to a

community social gathering at which friends and neighbors join together in a single

activity (sewing, quilting, barn raising, etc.), usually to help one person or family.

The earliest known example in print is a spinning bee, in 1769. Other early

occurrences are husking bee (1816), apple bee (1827), and logging bee (1836).

Spelling bee is apparently an American term. It first appeared in print in 1875,

but it seems certain that the word was used orally for several years before that.

Those who used the word, including most early students of language, assumed that

it was the same word as referred to the insect. They thought that this particular

meaning had probably been inspired by the obvious similarity between these human

gatherings and the industrious, social nature of a beehive. But in recent years

 scholars have rejected this explanation, suggesting instead that this bee is a

completely different word. One possibility is that it comes from the Middle English

word bene, which means 'a prayer' or 'a favor' (and is related to the more familiar

word boon). In England, a dialectal form of this word, been or bean, referred to

'voluntary help given by neighbors toward the accomplishment of a particular task.'

(Webster's Third New International Dictionary). Bee may simply be a shortened form

of been, but no one is entirely certain.


Spelling Bee test 일자  : 5월 8일

Spelling Bee test 시간 : 오후 5:00  ~ 6:30pm

결과 발표  :  5월 12일 발표

주  관 : 캐나다 마운틴뷰 교육청

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